D&A #11 Deconstructed

This whole fiasco with the mattress and dumpster actually happened back in May and was more prolonged than it appears in the comic. I have a sizable backlog of comic ideas and am trying to chip away at the older entries as best I can.

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D&A #9 Deconstructed

I fell in love with Elvis Costello by the first track of My Aim Is True. For my money, “Welcome to the Working Week” may be the greatest album opener of all-time, from arguably the greatest debut of all-time.

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D&A #8 Deconstructed

I think it was a Sunday. My friend Alli called and told me that her car had died. We planned a time to try jump starting it, but in the meantime, I offered to give her a ride to work. I’ll take any opportunity to get out of my apartment and drive.

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D&A #7 Deconstructed

Much like my track record with online dating thus far, the creation of this comic was something of a disaster. Well, not completely, otherwise there wouldn’t be a comic to show. The culprit was the most storied of fatal flaws: hubris.

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